ChatGPT: Top 60 Use Cases for Web Projects

No doubt you’ve heard of OpenAI’s ChatGPT. This technology has revolutionized generative AI. Two months after launch, it had attracted an impressive 100 million users. For Instagram, they needed more than two years to achieve the same results.

According to predictions, we’re likely to develop AI that can surpass human intelligence between 2025 and 2045. This will transform our world in ways we can’t imagine. However, until that day arrives, we can certainly benefit from leveraging technologies like ChatGPT and its counterparts to improve our web projects. This is something we’re already doing at SECL Group. 

ChatGPT’s versatility ensures that it has applications in various domains. This includes, but is not limited to, software optimization. 

In this article, we’ll explore some diverse use cases of OpenAI/ChatGPT. You will learn how it can be effectively used to enhance software development. You’ll gain from our extensive experience as a web development firm, having successfully integrated this service into various systems. We’ll even share insights into how we’re working with it as part of our brand-new travel startup – but more on that later.

How does OpenAI / ChatGPT work?

How ChatGPT work

Remember that ChatGPT database might not be fully up-to-date. At the time of writing, its most recent update occurred in September 2021. While data relevance is updated, there is always a slight delay. This means the AI will not be aware of the most recent global events. 

On the flip side however, ChatGPT’s trainability allows it to keep pace with data on specific projects. And there are other alternatives that do use current data, such as Chatsonic or Microsoft Bing Chat (which operates on the ChatGPT framework). 

It’s worth underscoring that despite appearances, ChatGPT is not yet on par with human intelligence, therefore it’s crucial to be specific when assigning tasks in order to avoid sub-par results. That said, the technology is particularly adept at analyzing large volumes of data, so is a solid choice if your web solution relies heavily on text content.

It’s also crucial to remember that Google can distinguish between content generated by ChatGPT and content written by humans. Therefore, generating large volumes of text using this technology will not be the most strategic move, as Google is likely to classify such texts as having been plagiarized, which will lower your search engine rankings.

The language of your project is another important consideration, as ChatGPT performs best with English. For other languages, there might be certain nuances to be aware of. On cost, although the API isn’t free, OpenAI initially credits a small amount to your account for you to get started with. To make additional queries, however, you’ll need to pay.

Recently, there’s been a surge of out-of-the-box solutions based on ChatGPT, but their capability to address varied needs remains limited. Typically, these solutions are chatbot-related.

OpenAI/ChatGPT can be integrated into web projects with any tech stack via API. Our company specializes in Python, JS, and PHP projects, so we naturally lean towards these technologies.

60 best use cases for ChatGPT for web projects

In this article, I will list the top use cases for ChatGPT for the industries we specialize in as a web developer. Bear in mind that the capabilities of this technology are much wider.

Best chatgpt use cases

General ChatGPT use cases for business

The use of ChatGPT for enhancing websites is still in its beginning stages. That’s why early adopters can get ahead of the competition. In this article, we’ll explore the most common uses of this tool. Also, I will complete my points with real-world examples of ChatGPT business use cases.

  • Chatbots. One of the primary roles of this technology is to produce content that bears a striking resemblance to human-generated text. ChatGPT comes with its own chatbot.
  • Personalization. You can offer tailored experiences to your registered users. This goes beyond simply providing advertisements or recommendations based on geolocation or socio-demographic targeting. You can custom-build content for an individual by incorporating their name, interests, and even estimating the precise delivery time for their location. This approach transforms the interaction into a personalized offer, rather than a blunt advertisement. The only boundary to its application is the limit of your imagination.
  • Search engine optimization. The process of generating meta titles, changing texts according to chosen keywords, and data unification are all made possible via ChatGPT. 
  • Page descriptions. ChatGPT is capable of generating descriptions for services or products, and can create a diverse range of content tailored to them. However, it’s important to tread carefully here as Google may perceive such texts as having been plagiarized, potentially leading to complications down the line. Be mindful of this. 
  • Content recommendations. If your project is rich in content, leveraging this technology can be incredibly beneficial. ChatGPT has the capacity to analyze content, even those dynamically generated, and deliver remarkably precise user recommendations.
  • Messenger integrations. ChatGPT is fully compatible with a wide range of popular messaging platforms, including Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, and more. If your client interactions take place through these channels, ChatGPT can offer an efficient first line of support.
  • Mail integration. By enhancing your Gmail with the capabilities of ChatGPT, you can automate responses to your customers. Again, this can serve as your initial tier of support, or even carry out a comparable role, streamlining communication and increasing efficiency.
  • Social media automation. You can create relevant social media content ideas based on trends and your customer’s behavior patterns. 
  • CRM integration. You can integrate this technology with almost any popular out-of-the-box CRM, such as Salesforce. CRM is a source of valuable information about your customers with almost limitless capabilities. For example, you can access purchase history and make relevant personalized offers, and identify critical actions at each stage of the sales funnel.
  • Recommendations for sales teams. Drawing from the experiences of other representatives, you can provide insightful recommendations to your sales team. Additionally, this tool enables you to anticipate potential customer loss, among other risks. In general, using this tool can significantly boost your sales over time. 
  • Sales personalization. This innovative technology empowers you to tailor your sales approach to every potential customer. For instance, it enables the incorporation of individual names into emails, messages, or other sales collateral. 
  • User surveys. Encourage your users to give feedback on their experience with your service and analyze their responses for negative sentiment. Subsequently, assign any such feedback to a designated team member for further evaluation.
  • Translations. You can translate certain parts of your content automatically based on user location.
  • Learning. You can create dynamic learning experiences. This technology allows for the collection of data on a particular person’s learning, as well as to generate assessment tests.
  • Monitoring. You can monitor recurring issues and suggest improvements. Or you could assort issues by importance and pay attention to the most critical ones.
  • Parsing. You can incorporate ChatGPT into content parsers from other websites to analyze and generate insights, enabling you to provide the most comprehensive and pertinent information from various sources. For instance, you can create dynamically updated media content based on data from social media and news websites, allowing you to deliver news mere minutes after an event has taken place. These updates can encompass the most comprehensive data from all sources and be refreshed virtually every second.

Add new capabilities to your solution

Retail & E-commerce

Now let’s look at some ChatGPT enterprise use cases for online stores and marketplaces, such as the example of Newegg, a computer store in the US, who integrated it in order to enhance their process of selecting and recommending computer components. But ChatGPT is useful for much more than just providing recommendations, and there are many other functions for us to consider: 

  • Search engine optimization. Essential for large-scale retail stores with millions of products, like Amazon, which has a substantial department focused on content and utilizes a special Product Information Management (PIM) system to handle product descriptions. This technology could provide an optimal solution for you, especially if hiring thousands of content managers and copywriters is beyond your financial capacity.
  • Product descriptions. You can automatically generate descriptions if your store lacks them or currently features low-quality texts.
  • Price personalization. Collecting a wealth of user data (from purchase history to geographical location) is already a straightforward task, and many websites already offer product variety and price differentiation based on customer profiles and purchasing power. But implementing AI technology can take this customization to the next level.
  • Product recommendations. You can provide complementary goods or alternatives based on user purchase or view history. 
  • Text suggestions for the search panel. These can be derived from the search history of other users, enhancing overall user experience.
  • Answers to user questions. ChatGPT can take over level 1 technical support, providing quick responses to basic queries during the initial stages of a sale.

IT & Telecom

In this part, we will offer some ideas for enhancing products in the IT and telecom industry, such as how Zendesk, a large-scale customer service platform, used ChatGPT to help with customer communication and provide a more efficient service. Here are some other examples of  the use case for ChatGPT in building web projects.

  • Recommending similar profiles. You can analyze social media posts and user activity to provide accurate recommendations of similar profiles. This feature can be useful for Facebook. 
  • Identifying trends. Tendency detection and generalization, including those that pertain to news. For example, you can use it for Google News.
  • Product recommendations. You can analyze purchase history, track order trends and recommend new products based on this data. If you’re in the food tech business, you can do things like group dishes by ingredients, which has obvious benefits for products like Uber Eats.
  • Content curation. Many services currently utilize tags/channels, with users manually marking the content for these categories. Implementing this AI would help streamline this process, proving especially useful for platforms like Instagram.
  • Spam detection. Many user-generated platforms face the big issue of dealing with unauthorized advertisements. Using ChatGPT, you can detect such ads and lower their visibility. This capability would be particularly valuable for social media platforms like Reddit.
  • Demand forecasting. AI can analyze activity on flight and hotel search services to predict user preferences, allowing for more targeted advertising and service suggestions. It would be an invaluable feature for platforms like
  • Smart search. The technology can transcribe speech in videos and analyze content. Subsequently, this information can be used to improve the accuracy of website searches. This feature would be highly beneficial for platforms like YouTube, where finding relevant content can be challenging if search queries are not precise.
  • User profile analysis. By analyzing user profiles, the AI can provide insights into political inclination or economic status. This information would be highly valuable for any online service, and could, for example, significantly enhance the functionality of LinkedIn Sales Navigator.


Now let’s explore ChatGPT use cases in the automotive industry. By integrating this AI-powered technology into your web project, you can unlock many advanced features which would be useful for a manufacturer’s customers and employees. 

  • Navigation Assistance. You can develop a navigation system tailored to users’ objectives or interests. You could also activate voice commands for safe and easy use of the navigation tool whilst driving. Imagine driving to a castle in France and requesting the car to locate a gas station within the next 100 km, but which also has a restaurant and playground. This level of convenience would be groundbreaking. 
  • Recommendations on repair/primary analysis. Simply describe your issue and the website will evaluate its criticality, and provide solutions or recommendations for repair. 
  • Driving recommendations. For instance, the system can alert you regarding possible brake overheating if your route has areas with long downhill sections, and provide driving recommendations to ensure safety and reliability. 
  • Recommendations for car parts. You can specify the brand, model, and year of manufacture, and the technology can determine the exact components available according to the VIN number and their analogs/substitutes.
  • Market analysis. ChatGPT can make car market predictions based on open data if you input the necessary information.


Here we dive into some of the ways OpenAI can change web projects in the manufacturing industry. It can automate complex processes and offer real-time outcomes, facilitating more informed decision-making.

  • Employee training. This technology enables on-site training using a tablet, enabling businesses to identify individual employee strengths and weaknesses and create tailored learning programs. This can be seamlessly integrated into an internal learning portal for easy access.
  • Competitor analysis. Analyzing competitors, their prices, strengths, and weaknesses, and other critical aspects. 
  • Quality control. You can train the AI with data that pertains to your manufacturing parameters, such as speed, temperature, or humidity.. The system can then send alerts in case it observes any deviations and offer solutions to these problems. 
  • Safety and compliance analysis. The AI can review adherence to safety regulations based on employee actions. For instance, if an employee fails to change their access password every six months as recommended, ChatGPT can identify this oversight and send timely, personalized reminders. And this is just a single example of OpenAI use cases in this regard. 


Any digital product within the financial sector fundamentally revolves around data analysis and calculations. This is where ChatGPT comes into its own, and it can enhance your web solutions by delivering intelligent, on-demand services, tailored specifically to each user’s needs.

  • Creditworthiness predictions. These sophisticated forecasts can take into account credit scores, personal data, and the credit histories of other users. For example, the system can intuitively discern that if a user starts searching for a new job on LinkedIn, then it may negatively affect their credit rating.
  • Personalized service recommendations. The technology can make suggestions based on a user’s interests, professional background, and the purchase history of other users.
  • Investment summaries generation. ChatGPT can analyze data from various investment options and recommend those that appear to be most promising for a specific client.
  • Risk assessment. ChatGPT excels in mathematical computations and other precise sciences. It’s adept at calculating risks under dynamically changing conditions. This technology has the potential to revolutionize risk assessment within the financial industry.
  • Tax Planning and filing. The system can calculate tax liabilities, prepare tax returns, and assist in their submission.
  • Debt collection. Could involve sending reminders, conducting searches for relevant parties, and providing recommendations for debt restructuring, among other things.
  • Retirement planning. The system can help establish a financial goal for retirement that suits an individual’s specific needs and calculate the annual contributions required to achieve it.

Real estate

ChatGPT can analyze vast amounts of data and come up with accurate conclusions. The following capabilities can enhance your property search and help users make more informed real estate decisions.

  • Customer solvency forecast. You can combine different information sources into a single ChatGPT-based analysis system. Resultant forecasts can be based on personal and work data and even social media activities. 
  • Quality analysis of city districts. With the right parameters and data, ChatGPT can provide highly accurate assessments of various city districts. Factors such as amenities, government database information, and crime rates within the area can all be considered. This data can be used in real estate valuation, helping to recommend specific areas to clients or identify the best deals.
  • Predicting the best locations for commercial real estate. With the ability to analyze data about structures and residential patterns, you can pinpoint undervalued areas suitable for different types of commercial real estate.
  • Price forecasting. Armed with data on market trends, price fluctuations, and their historical changes, ChatGPT can predict whether prices are likely to rise or fall in the near future.
  • Forecasting real estate payback. Given solid initial data, which could be dynamic and fluid, ChatGPT can make calculating expected returns on real estate investments a relatively straightforward process.

Travel & Hospitality

ChatGPT enhances your online platform by providing more personalized, interactive, and contextually relevant recommendations to your customers, features designed to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Geolocation-based offers for tourists. By easily acquiring data regarding a user’s location, ChatGPT can identify nearby attractions that may interest them. It can also provide recommendations based on their visitation history, providing advice comparable to that of a local expert.
  • Location specific warnings and advice. How many travelers are aware that tickets for the Eiffel Tower need to be purchased at least 2-3 months in advance of a planned visit to Paris? Not that many. With knowledge of their travel plans and dates, ChatGPT can provide such insightful advice in good time.
  • Object description optimized for the project. This is especially beneficial for niche travel projects. For example, for a diving-focused trip, ChatGPT can suggest top diving sites, equipment rentals, and offer practical advice specific to the chosen location.
  • Travel recommendations based on user interests. This can pertain to the entire trip as well to its certain parts. 
  • Offering activities for different weather conditions. No one likes to be stuck in their hotel just because it’s raining. ChatGPT can propose nearby activities suitable for any weather condition, helping to maintain customer satisfaction.
  • Improved information search. Need information on a specific location? ChatGPT can generate it based on your interests, personalizing responses for you. By the way, we are currently integrating ChatGPT into our travel startup in order to provide better recommendations. The preliminary results have been impressive! You can learn more about our journey of building a travel startup during the COVID-19 pandemic in our blog post.

Media & Publishing

Incorporating this technology into your media or publishing ecosystem can greatly enhance content generation and tailor user experiences.

  • Writing texts/articles/news. This can be accomplished instantaneously in real-time, significantly quicker than the traditional method of employing a journalist. Beyond generic topics, this tool is also capable of delivering highly specialized content.
  • Improving texts. The system allows you to infuse a text with additional keywords or new information to improve its relevance and appeal.
  • Amending style and tone of texts. This technology provides the versatility to adapt your content’s tone, whether you desire a more friendly, formal, or informative approach.
  • Highlighting key information. Analysis and selection of necessary information is generally one of the main ChatGPT use cases. 
  • Content curation based on specific parameters. This could include tasks like selecting content related to the progression of AI technologies in the US over the past year, or analyzing trends within a particular industry.

Integrate generative AI

HR & Recruitment

This technology can help you handle talent acquisition and hiring processes more efficiently and quickly. Here are several ways in which to enhance your HR solution with OpenAI capabilities. 

  • Preparing/improving CVs. You can tailor resumes according to specific job roles, enhancing the candidate’s chances of selection.
  • Preparing job interview questions. This can be useful for both an interviewer and an applicant.
  • Matching Job Vacancies. Based on certain parameters, you can find suitable opportunities for candidates or identify the ideal applicant from your candidate pool.
  • Monitoring. This could include tasks like tracking the submission of resumes on job sites – either specific resumes and vacancies, or just keeping an eye on company employees.
  • Company resume database analysis. Use this technology to pinpoint the most suitable candidates for open positions from your existing resume pool.
  • Identifying Top Employees. This is particularly useful when considering individuals for promotions or bonuses.
  • Tracking employee performance. Monitor each team member’s achievements and KPIs to gauge their performance effectively.


With ChatGPT best use cases, you can allow your users to access relevant legal information. It can be very beneficial for making primary conclusions before consulting a specialist. 

  • Primary analysis of legal compliance. Simply outline your problem, and receive a response detailing which laws pertain to it.
  • Initial Consultation. Access opinions that include an analysis of potential risks.
  • Cross-Border Legal Analysis. Gain preliminary guidance for various scenarios, ranging from establishing your own business or investing in real estate, to comparing traffic violation penalties across different jurisdictions.
  • Recommendations for improvement. For example, you refine the copyright infringement claims process for different countries worldwide and distribute a tailored mailing list to each nation, highlighting their specific laws.
  • Free legal advice. Particularly beneficial for individuals with no prior legal experience, as ChatGPT can provide essential information even before a formal consultation with an expert.

Our expertise in using ChatGPT

We have experience integrating ChatGPT capabilities in different projects. Although we have found out that many clients still consider it as only a chat, this is a much more extensive technology. You can use it in almost any part of a project. Here are a few cases from our experience.

For example, we used it for a Country Helper. This is a travel planning service and we decided to add an online guide to it. Using ChatGPT capabilities, this guide can make voice tours of different sights. The tourists can ask questions and the online guide can answer them.

We have also added the ability to look for destinations and other places not just by keywords, but analyzing more abstract requests. For instance, the tourist can say or type “I want to have a fun time and eat some delicious food today.” Then, the ChatGPT analyzes the reviews of objects in, say, 15 km area and offers the most suitable places for their request. Hence, we implemented a full-fledged AI-based search on the maps for the first time in history. 

For an online learning platform that specializes in foreign languages, we added AI-based capabilities that can replace a native speaker. You can communicate with ChatGPT via voice on different educational topics. At the time we developed these features, the ChatGPT didn’t have the ability to communicate with voice. First, we transformed the audio into text and only then received a response from ChatGPT. Then, we turned into voice recording again. For this project, we have also enabled an automatic optimization of all texts, exercises, and other learning materials to a certain user’s learning objective (finance, medical, law, etc.).

Come up with your own use cases for ChatGPT

While ChatGPT is not a magic wand and is suitable for every task, there is no doubt that it can significantly assist in a wide variety of situations. In this article, I’ve shared numerous successful OpenAI use cases we’ve encountered that work well. However, a solid understanding of its capabilities is a must to implement this technology in your project.

If you’re thinking about ChatGPT just because it’s trendy, I wouldn’t do that. But if you feel there is a genuine gain to be made, feel free to reach out to us with your proposition. At SECL Group, we’re here to assist you in integrating AI for ChatGPT use cases for business, or indeed a similar solution, in a manner that not only boosts the functionality of your project, but which also positively impacts your bottom line.


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